Here you will find the source code for the car race visualisation, as described in the upcoming book Graphic Guide to R

Copyright 2018 Antony Lees

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
settings <- function() {
size(1000, 600)

setup <- function() {
lane_gap <- (height-50) / length(mtcars$qsec)
cars <<- list() # list for cars
for (i in 1:length(mtcars$qsec)) {
car_name <- rownames(mtcars)[i]
car_qsec <- mtcars$qsec[i]
new_car <- car(car_qsec, car_name, i * lane_gap)
cars[[length(cars) + 1]] <- new_car
percentiles <- quantile(mtcars$qsec)
race_lines <<- list() # list for race lines
race_lines[[1]] <- race_line(percentiles[2], "75%")
race_lines[[2]] <- race_line(percentiles[3], "50%")
race_lines[[3]] <- race_line(percentiles[4], "25%")

draw <- function() {
for (i in 1:length(cars)) {
the_car <- cars[[i]]
the_car <- display(the_car)
cars[[i]] <- the_car

for (i in 1:length(race_lines)) {
the_race_line <- race_lines[[i]]
the_race_line <- display(the_race_line)
race_lines[[i]] <- the_race_line

# things that can race
raceable <- function(qsec, name, y, class=character()) {
speed = 15 / qsec, # not real speed
x = 0,
y = y,
colour = color(random(255), random(255), ran-dom(255)),
name = name
class = c(class, "raceable")

# car class
car <- function(qsec, name, y) {
qsec = qsec,
name = name,
y = y,
class = "car"

# race line class
race_line <- function(qsec, name) {
qsec = qsec,
name = name,
y = 0,
class = "race_line"

display <- function(obj) { # generic method

display.raceable <- function(object) {
object$x <- object$x + object$speed
} <- function(object) {
rect(object$x, object$y, 20, 10)
ellipse(object$x + 5, object$y + 10, 5, 5)
ellipse(object$x + 15, object$y + 10, 5, 5)
fill(0)# black text
text(object$name, object$x, object$y + 25)
object <- NextMethod()

display.race_line <- function(object) {
line(object$x, object$y, object$x, height)
text(object$name, object$x - 20, object$y + 15)
object <- NextMethod()